Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Book - "Original Morris Minor" by Ray Newell

This is a cracking little book. It's an interesting and very easy read that covers the various versions of the saloons, travellers and commercial vehicles in great detail, with excellent high-quality photos. It even goes into detail of which production changes were made, when, and why, and from which car numbers they came into effect. This info is excellent use for closet purists like me, but is also pretty interesting to read about how far the minor came from when it was originally launched.

There's also a load of information useful for achieving originality on cars, including which colours were used on which cars, together with interiors, and even what the original toolkit should include etc. There's also an excellent reference on chassis numbers, which can be used to find out the original colour for a car, what spec, etc. It also explains how to tell if a convertible is a factory original, if the car was produced for military use etc, and how to check an original Minor Million.
Pro's: Excellent reference for achieving originality, and finding out about the history of the Minor in general.
Con's: The pictures inside are probably a little to perfect for originality. I've also found a couple of errors after speaking to other owners, and its probably not too much use if you're not fussed about originality anyway.

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