Firstly, unbolt the clamp between the exhaust manifold and the exhaust downpipe...
remove the carburettor from the inlet manifold...
Remove the heater hose from the engine...
Unbolt and remove the engine steady between the engine and the bulkhead...
Remove the ignition coil, dynamo, and starter motor...
Inside the car, remove the gearbox cover. This is possibly not needed to remove the engine, but it'll make it easier and I'm going to remove the gearbox anyway. I wanted to remove all of the brass screws that hold it in place without drilling them out - this will make it easier when it comes to putting the cover back on.
Remove the bolts that hold the gearbox bell-housing to the engine...
Loosen the bolts on the bottom of the engine-mount towers. To avoid losing them, I wont remove the bolts until the engine actually comes out of the engine bay.
I gave the engine a bit of rocking, but its clear its still pretty stuck to the gearbox. I think the plan next is to undo the clamp holding the gearbox to the gearbox crossmember under the gearbox cover. Then jack up the gearbox a little to take its weight while the engine is hoisted with a block and tackle out of the engine bay.
Best laid plans and all that though...